Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wish I Were..... scratch that.... I AM GOING TO BE...

Right now I wish that I were someplace else. I am listening to a play list that includes the likes of Britt Nicole, Amos Lee, Asher Roth, Kate Earl, Bruno Mars, Maurette Brown Clark, and Joshua Radin among others. And although the music makes it better, studying, I mean really studying Economics is not something that brings me joy. Yeah, music brings me joy but, so does taking a nap on a hammock aboard a Caribbean cruise ship. Wow, just picturing it brings a smile to my face because there is a place I’d rather be…vacation.

My destination is clear. The path I am taking?? Eh, not so much. I have a plan though and … Did you know that Fox is no longer on Cablevision? I am not that upset about this news because I have seen the latest episode of BONES but, I never realized how may of the shows I enjoy are broadcasted on the Fox network. Yes, I digressed… ok, I’m back.

My plan, the beginning is simple and even you can do it. How do I know you can do it?? Well, you are doing it right now… no, not that silly goose, but, reading. I am going to focus on my studies, yes, even economics and I am going to read *looks around to make sure no one is eavesdropping* [whispers] non-fiction books.

I have about eight books on my list at present and I am going to share that list with you. Why? Because I love you. HAHA, of course I am kidding, I don’t know you but, as my pumpkin (Ashlee) often says, “sharing is caring.” Even though she was self-motivated when she would say that there is still truth to it (yes, we are excluding contagious diseases when making this statement.)

And I really do share because I care. I want you to be courageous and apply yourself. I want you to be a success. I want you to be happy, and learn, and recognize your potential. I want all of that for you and I do not know you. So here is my list. Some of these books were mentioned in class lectures, recommedations by peers, and some, I just happened upon but, I believe that everyone can make a difference. And I believe that arming yourself with knowledge will help.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go…. Grow… and don’t forget your headphones (they come in handy when you want to drown out the voice of the naysayer).

By Marcus Buckingham:
First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently
Now, Discover Your Strengths
Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance

By Malcolm Gladwell:
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Outliers: The Story of Success

The Nibble Theory and the Kernal of Power: A Book About Leadership, Self-Empowerment, and Personal Growth by Kaleel Jamison

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2011: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers by Richard Nelson Bolles (I even got the workbook because I am giving being an overachiever a go… I’ll let you know how that works out for me.)

P.S. the links above are for both places I shop for books the most, Barnes and Noble & Amazon, I do not have a favorite I go with the best price at the time.